With the support of
the Federal Research Centre
"Computer Science and Control" of
the Russian Academy of Sciences

unique developments and
years of our expert experience

Alexander V. ILYIN
Founder and owner of the res-plan Online Services
PhD in Technology
In 1994, when Alexander was a student at Lomonosov Moscow State University, he became acquainted with ideas of Professor Vladimir D. Ilyin to improve the arsenal of computational methods and software for resource planning. Alexander has implemented the ideas in basic algorithms which were tested in the experimental application RESOURCE-complex developed at the Institute of Informatics Problems in 1995-97, but in 1997 the software implementation was interrupted.

From 1997 to 2012, Alexander received solid IT-development experience in cooperation with Russian and foreign companies. Applications created with his participation, are used by pilots of Boeing and other airlines for flight planning and aeronavigation. Working in a team of Canadian Marinvent Corp., Alexander made a significant contribution to a distributed system of electronic data interchange which is used by engineers of Bombardier Inc. to test the CSeries aircrafts. Since 2013 A. Ilyin participates in design and expert appraisal of information systems for Russian aviation.
New stage in the progress of resource planning algorithms began in November 2012, when Alexander Ilyin started development of the suggested Online Services and upgrade of the algorithms. Upscale specialists are involved in the discussion, testing and support.
Alexander is the author of more than 40 scientific papers, including 10 articles about computer science in the Great Russian Encyclopedia.
Vladimir D. ILYIN
Doctor of Sciences, Professor
Lead Researcher at the Federal Research Centre "Computer Science and Control" of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Vladimir Ilyin invented ideas of basic algorithms which were supplemented and realized by Alexander Ilyin in the main suggested Online Services. Professional cooperation of Vladimir and Alexander began in 1993 at the Institute of Informatics Problems. In 1995-97 Vladimir led the first algorithms implementation in the experimental application RESOURCE-complex.

Professor Ilyin has authored more than 100 scientific papers (including 21 articles in the Great Russian Encyclopedia) on the theory of symbol modeling in a human-machine environment, automation of programming, informatization, knowledge systems.
Basic publications about the Online Resource Planning Services
Alexander V. Ilyin, Vladimir D. Ilyin. The technology of interactive resource allocation in accordance with the customizable system of rules // Applied Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 7, 2013, no. 143, 7105-7111. doi: 10.12988/ams.2013.311649.
Alexander V. Ilyin, Vladimir D. Ilyin. The interval method of cost planning and its implementation in the online service // Contemporary Engineering Sciences, Vol. 7, 2014, no. 20, 931-938. doi: 10.12988/ces.2014.48114.

New publication about the advantages of the "Cost Planning" online service
September 30, 2016
We have published the new article "Variational Online Budgeting Taking into Account the Priorities of Expense Items" in the international journal "Agris on-line". The paper in a short form describes the advantages of using the online service "Cost Planning" over traditional planning. A farm budgeting example purposely contains few expense items to be clear and observable (the journal publishes original papers from the area of economics and informatics with focus on agriculture and rural development).

The versions 1.2 of the Cost Planning client applications
May 30, 2016
The client applications for Windows and OS X have been updated.
We have added the ability to upload data and results to Excel files at the same time with the detail items of expenditures (any number of the detail levels), as well as a similar opportunity for printing. Style of the document windows and dialogs has been renewed.

New publication about one of the applications of the Cost Planning Service
December 28, 2015
The article "Interval Planning the Supplies of Scarce Product", which describes one of the applications of the Cost Planning Service, has been published in the international journal "Contemporary Engineering Sciences": http://www.m-hikari.com/ces/ces2015/ces29-32-2015/p/ilyinCES29-32-2015.pdf
March 12, 2015
We have uploaded upgraded versions of the Cost Planning client applications for MS Windows and Mac OS X.
The column "Allocate avg." was added to the calculation results for expense items. The graphical columns were added for average percents of allocable resource and average satisfaction of requests.

Online Resource Planning Services are integrated with the system of online payments PayU
December 29, 2014
We have finished integration of "My Account" with the online payment system PayU.
Testing the Cost Planning Service is finished
August 20, 2014
Alexander Ilyin has successfully finished testing the first Online Resource Planning Service - Cost Planning. Tests were carried out on various data sets with different frequency of requests from simultaneously working client application-robots.
Copyright © 2013-2018 Alexander V. Ilyin, Russia, Individual Entrepreneur's State Registration Number 306770000015343. All rights reserved.