With the support of
the Federal Research Centre
"Computer Science and Control" of
the Russian Academy of Sciences

unique developments and
years of our expert experience
Privacy Policy
Each proposed online service is presented by the server application which is running on our reliable and high-performance server 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. After reviewing the purpose of the service on our website (or on the website of one of our partners), you download an installer of the service client application, corresponding to the operating system used on your workplace (MS Windows®, Mac OS X® or other).
When you first start the client application after installing, it offers registration dialog. If you are not registered in our database, registration of the client application occurs simultaneously with your registration as a user: dialog allows to specify a unique name and password that will be used in the future for your authorization. You also specify e-mail address, country and user type - person or entity. Data specified in the dialog is sent to our server and stored in the database. If you are already registered as a user of one of our services, then choose the option "Existing user of the res-plan.com" in the registration dialog and enter a unique name and password you used for registration as a user.
We undertake to
not disclose any registration data to third parties;
not send spam;
take the necessary measures to protect your registration data from harmful influence and unauthorized use.
The client application connects to the service via Internet and sends requests for computations only at your command. Requests contain only numbers which are necessary for computations - without any semantic bindings, that is we do not transmit through the Internet confidential data such as names of resources, expense items, measure units, etc. The service receives request, makes computations, sends the results back to the client application, and terminates the connection. Transmitted data are not stored on our servers.
Security and privacy of your payments are provided by the system of online payments PayPal(TM) or PayU(TM) - depending on your choise. These companies use the latest protection technologies.

Copyright © 2013-2018 Alexander V. Ilyin, Russia, Individual Entrepreneur's State Registration Number 306770000015343. All rights reserved.
The page contains the image provided by Svengraph under the Creative Commons (Attribution 3.0 Unported) license